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I-CEPS: Inspiring Global Parenting Support

The International Congress on Evidence-based Parenting Support aims to inspire global collective action to improve access to high-quality, evidence-based, and culturally appropriate parenting support, to benefit children and young people everywhere.

Benefits of the I-CEPS

Global mission

Ongoing social impact

Be a part of the global community. The I-CEPS brings together professionals in all fields of parenting support from around the world. Meet and learn from parenting researchers, practitioners, policy makers, etc., and contribute to a global effort to improve access for all families to effective parenting support.

Take learnings and commitments from the Congress and translate them into local learning collaboratives and research projects. Action Circles will be a crucial first step in developing the networks required to collectively advocate for policy change and improved parenting services.

Diverse representation

Global representation of disciplines, ethnicities, geographic regions, and resource settings is central to the makeup of the Congress committee membership, program content, and post-congress activities.

World-leading presenters

Hear from and connect with world leading experts in your field.

I-CEPS invites a mix of well-known and promising researchers, program developers, master clinicians, policy makers, consumers, and service providers.

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